Marketing your certification

All you need to know to market your certification

How do I use the Landscape Horticulture Certified name?

All certified individuals are under one name of “Landscape Horticulture Certification Program” and are able to use this name to indicate that they are certified. In situations where you want to highlight your specific specialty, you are welcome to refer to yourself as “Landscape Horticulture Certified, Certified Landscape Horticulturist Technician,” for example. Landscape Horticulture Certified will not be shortened, although if necessary, individuals can use the acronyms;

• CLHT (Technician),
• CLD (Designer),
• CLHM (Manager).

The full name is preferred over the acronym.
How can I get the new logo for my marketing materials?
Electronic versions of the logo and its variations are available for free to all certified individuals from the CNLA office. To obtain your package, please call or email the CNLA office (1-888-446-3499,

How can I distinguish my certification from other specialties?
The brand allows for one large group of certified people but also has alternate versions that allow individuals to highlight their specialties as Technician, Landscape Designer and Manager. This gives everyone an opportunity to display their specific skills.