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Victor Santacruz, CAE, CLHM

ext 8600

Executive Director

Rebecca Doutre, CAE, CLHM

ext 8680

Deputy Executive Director

Cheryl Gall, CAE

ext 8640

Finance & Administration Manager

Staff Directory

Jamie Aalbers

ext 8630

Growers Sector Specialist

Catie Cane

ext 8695

Administrative Services

Peter Isaacson

ext 0

IPM and Minor Use Coordinator; 604-376-6050

Anne Kadwell, CLHT

ext 8610

Landscape & Retail Sector Specialist

Sarah McIntosh

ext 8635

Content & Design Coordinator

Dave Mazur

ext 8615

Communications Specialist

Edith Oyosoro, CAE

ext 8650

Certification Coordinator

Teagan Schroeder

ext 8645

HortProtect Marketing Director & Special Projects

Cathy Scott

ext 8670

Member Services Coordinator

Stuart Service

ext 8665

Media Coordinator

Leslie Sison, CAE

ext 8660

Industry & Government Relations Specialist

Lauryn Smith

ext 8620

Communications Coordinator

Linda Wiesner

Nicole Xavier

ext 8625

Member Services Coordinator

Communities in Bloom

Sonia Parrino

ext 3000

Program Specialist