Price Landscaping Services
(506) 858-7800
Kevin graduated from N.S.A.C with a diploma in Agriculture Technology and Agricultural Business. Kevin started with Price Contractors in March of 1990 as the Lawn Care Manager. In July of 2001, Kevin and two other managers bought the company. In 2006, the company rebranded to Price Landscaping Services and built a new office and warehouse in Lutes Mountain, just outside Moncton city’s limits. Kevin has served on the Provincial Board of Directors for Landscape New Brunswick for 10 years from 2001 – 2011, holding positions as secretary-treasurer, vice president, president and past president. In 2008, he attained a Landscape Industry Certified - Manager. In December 2013, he was re-elected to the Board of Directors to serve as the provincial representative to the Canadian Nursery Landscape Association’s Board of Directors. Kevin sits on the Program Advisory Committee for the Landscape Horticulturist Red Seal and the Board of Governors for New Brunswick Horticultural Training Institute. In early 2016, Kevin was promoted to President and is the sole owner. He continues with his estimating and sales duties.