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Alan White

Climate Change Adaptation Chair

Turf Systems

Alan White is the owner of Turf Systems Inc. based in Burlington, Ontario. With over 28 years of business experience White truly believes in maintaining and preserving green spaces for all to enjoy. This belief has kept him busy, both in his business operating Turf Systems Inc. and representing the Canadian Landscape Industry. His efforts have included helping develop the IPM Accreditation Program in Canada as an active member on the IPM Council of Canada’s board of Directors. In 2004 he was elected to the Provincial Board of Landscape Ontario and in 2012 moved to represent Ontario on the Canadian Nursery and Landscape Associations Board of Directors.

Alan embraces many of the challenges facing the green industry today and views them as opportunities for the future. His passion for Project EverGreen has no borders, an American philanthropic organization bringing together industry activities and healthier, cleaner and more livable cities. In addition, Alan White is also the Vice-Chair for the Green Cities Foundation, a community connecting plants and people for a greener, healthier urban climate. Alan feels that together we can make a difference globally in ensuring green spaces remain part of our environment, our future and our urban health.

Alan relates his professional views with The Lorax by Dr. Suess, and shares his philosophy worldwide with the plant industry!

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